My Holidays
I don’t really take holidays too often, however I have one that result interesting for me.
It was the summer of 2007, and with my boyfriend at that time decided to go to the National Park “Conguillio”, located in Temuco, IX region.
A friend of him had to travel from Santiago to Temuco, so he offered to takes us by car, and as we didn’t were hurry to arrived, we take a calm trip and made some stops in the way to meet some rivers and the city of Chillan.
We arrived in my aunt’s house in Temuco, and at the next day we started our road to Conguillio. My aunt give us a lift until the entrance of the park we’ve been choosed, but when he realized that that entrance was at 30 kilometers of the camping, in a rocky way, in the middle of nothing without water and with heavy backpacks, he decided to take us to a nearest entrance to camping… at first we didn’t like the idea, because we want to walk and have a backpacker experience, but when we realized that the way was really hard to traveler and that by car takes like two hours, we thanks a lot the worry of my aunt.
Our lucky get until there… that night, we’ve installed the tent in a good place, prepared some food, give a short walk in the forest, but something was in the air… the araucarias seems like there were talking because of the wind.. Something strange…
At the next day, we waked up early for our first trekking..
When we opened the tent, we realized that it was sowing!
The spectacle was beautiful! but it was February, in ours vacations, with summer clothes…fortunately our tent resist well at the sowing, but our clothes were wet, also our shoes… the cold was too heavy, and sadly I’ve got a frozen foot.
When the sowing stop, we could meet a beautiful road of the park to the Araucaria Madre, that it’s the biggest Araucaria (in that park at least). It was wonderful to walk and see the tall Coigües, with their bunch full of snow, the wet air, everything green and white.
Because of my foot we couldn’t stay longer at the park; we only stayed there for three days.
Finally, we go out with the guardian parks, and take a bus to Temuco….
It was a short but intense experience.
Sounds like a wonderful experience. I went to that region a couple of years ago, but north of the park you mention, close to Volcan Lonquimay. I also climbed Crater Navidad but there was no snow.