I'm not really interested on world's cup, but I do understand the passion people have for it.
I think I'll see just the games of my own country, because for me will be a lost of time to see all the others games, but not because I don't care about the world's cup but because I' ve never understood really the football game. Every time some one have explained to me the rules I understand them at first but I forgot them inmediatly... maybe I need to see more football games.
lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

I believe that I don’t have a favorite web site, but I do have an addiction to some pages (that isn’t the same thing).
Those pages are Facebook and Gmail.
Facebook has become the page that I really need to visit like three times a day, because by this one I can know about my friends in all senses, emotional -not in a direct way but in the sense that if they had a good or a bad day, and other stuff-, about how they are going on in their studies or works, etc… In this page I can find all stuff like that about my friends or family… but it doesn’t mean that we don’t talk or see us in the “real life” with the closer ones because of this way of communication (that it’s one of the risks that have these pages).
The other one it’s my mail; I really don’t know why, but I do need to visit it as many times as I go on the internet. This has become a habit and also a need… besides I really don’t have much mail to see every day. I think those are that kind of things that you find you doing without a real reason, like the way you brush your teeth or the way you hold the pencil… you just find yourself doing that things in that way.
But despite this needs I see other pages like Google Earth, YouTube, My Space and Wikipedia…
(I have to admit that I feel shame of myself because of this addiction)
lunes, 7 de junio de 2010
Another free post...
This last weekend I've been invited to a weadding party.
My friend Tomas invited me to get with him to the party just on wednesday, and the party was on friday. I sayed yes becuase hi's my friend and I thaugth it could be fun, but I didn't have a dress or a coat to go... so on Tursday started the telephone crossing, to get the things just for same Friday afternoon.
After a large day, and running from a side to another, we've got to the party at 00.30.... we' were hungry at that time, but luky us! the desserts table was resently oppened... we ate a lot of cake, drink good wines (and some others drinks :P) and danced a lot... the party was really good.
We didn't know the groom but the bride was's sister of a closer Tomas friend... He inveted him.
So... thank's Javier to recieved us in your sister's weadding party!
My friend Tomas invited me to get with him to the party just on wednesday, and the party was on friday. I sayed yes becuase hi's my friend and I thaugth it could be fun, but I didn't have a dress or a coat to go... so on Tursday started the telephone crossing, to get the things just for same Friday afternoon.
After a large day, and running from a side to another, we've got to the party at 00.30.... we' were hungry at that time, but luky us! the desserts table was resently oppened... we ate a lot of cake, drink good wines (and some others drinks :P) and danced a lot... the party was really good.
We didn't know the groom but the bride was's sister of a closer Tomas friend... He inveted him.
So... thank's Javier to recieved us in your sister's weadding party!
lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

My Holidays
I don’t really take holidays too often, however I have one that result interesting for me.
It was the summer of 2007, and with my boyfriend at that time decided to go to the National Park “Conguillio”, located in Temuco, IX region.
A friend of him had to travel from Santiago to Temuco, so he offered to takes us by car, and as we didn’t were hurry to arrived, we take a calm trip and made some stops in the way to meet some rivers and the city of Chillan.
We arrived in my aunt’s house in Temuco, and at the next day we started our road to Conguillio. My aunt give us a lift until the entrance of the park we’ve been choosed, but when he realized that that entrance was at 30 kilometers of the camping, in a rocky way, in the middle of nothing without water and with heavy backpacks, he decided to take us to a nearest entrance to camping… at first we didn’t like the idea, because we want to walk and have a backpacker experience, but when we realized that the way was really hard to traveler and that by car takes like two hours, we thanks a lot the worry of my aunt.
Our lucky get until there… that night, we’ve installed the tent in a good place, prepared some food, give a short walk in the forest, but something was in the air… the araucarias seems like there were talking because of the wind.. Something strange…
At the next day, we waked up early for our first trekking..
When we opened the tent, we realized that it was sowing!
The spectacle was beautiful! but it was February, in ours vacations, with summer clothes…fortunately our tent resist well at the sowing, but our clothes were wet, also our shoes… the cold was too heavy, and sadly I’ve got a frozen foot.
When the sowing stop, we could meet a beautiful road of the park to the Araucaria Madre, that it’s the biggest Araucaria (in that park at least). It was wonderful to walk and see the tall Coigües, with their bunch full of snow, the wet air, everything green and white.
Because of my foot we couldn’t stay longer at the park; we only stayed there for three days.
Finally, we go out with the guardian parks, and take a bus to Temuco….
It was a short but intense experience.
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
A free post..

Today I have to talk about a free item, so I’m going to talk about what I’ve done yesterday.
Like an usual Wednesday I’ve study guitar in the morning, after I’ve take my lunch, then I go on with the study, and then, nearly six in the afternoon, I went to the USACH to a classic concert. This time was a special one because a friend played with the orchestra.
He played the Flute Concert of Jacques Ibert, a French composer of the XX’s century. This is the only concert he had for the instrument, and the orchestra needs to be little, so it’s takes the name of Camera Orchestra.
The concert in general is beautiful and easy to hear; I’ve never had the opportunity to listen it before, but this time (I think) was the best first time. Always it’s nice to see someone making music, if is a friend it’s better, but when someone you know it’s playing with an orchestra it’s amazing. It was really exiting to see Vicente playing the concert yesterday, besides he played it extremely great, but also because you can see in 15 minutes the result of years of work. If you consider that, it gives you something to think about.
He played by memory, something really hard because you need a lot of concentration above all if it’s the first time you‘re playing with an orchestra, and also dedicates the concert to a teacher of him, now deceased.
Nothing more to said; congratulations for my friend Vicente, who played wonderful yesterday… I hope I can follow in his footstep.
lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010
A Photograph

This picture was taken by Juan Soto, a classmate, in the cafe of the “Teatro del Lago”, in Frutillar, just last year after the closing night concert we gave in that theater, because of the “Working week of Classical Guitar”. That was the first time I went to that city… it’s so small but really beautiful (and the best tarts I’ve tried are there).
In this picture appears a classmate from the university (the girl in glasses), a girl who studies in a city near to there, me and Patricia Dixon, a guitarist who gave us master classes in that opportunity.
I like this picture because all the women who participated in the course appear in it, but the most important one it’s Patricia. I found in her a wonderful woman. I think she shows us different possibilities of life with the music; she tries to open our minds to a new way to stand up in front of the instrument, and what’s more, she had the tact to talk with us and help us to find our virtues and how to fix our problems.
With her I really felt in confidence. I appreciated the opportunity of meeting her a lot.
domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010
A country I would like to visit

A country… I’ve always wanted to visit no just A country, but many and in Europe. I have no idea why, but since I was a child I've had this wish.
I’ve always imagined myself traveling and living in countries like France, Germany, Portugal, England, Italy and in the lastes years, Spain.
I’ve always felt attracted by the architecture, the history and the culture… I can remember that in the school one of my favorite class was Universal History, and also I can remember that my sister’s favorite books was about the European culture and the bloody stories of the kings…
Some years ago, my sister with her husband went to live to Barcelona for two years; and a closer friend it’s living there too. They told me a lot about the culture and how the people live there; something that makes me ‘click’, was the cultural movement that had the people there. Maybe we have an interesting culture to visit too, but when I speak of music, I think always in European one, because we try to learn this language since the first note, and that it’s something we cannot deny. That is one of the reasons that make me wish to travel there, and Spain, because of the language I think maybe nearest to start knowing the Old Continent.
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